207 bc中文什么意思

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  1. As a result , an angry population rose up in rebellion against the qin dynasty , and in 207 bc the han dynasty began
  2. The historical sites in guyuan or nearby include the great wall built during the warring states period 475 - 221 bc and qin dynasty 221 - 207 bc , xumishan grottoes and saozhuling grottoes
  3. Stands originally for the two finger techniques , i . e . plucking at the strings forwards and backwards , respectively . in the qin dynasty ( 222 - 207 bc ) , there had been a kind of pluck - instrument , known as xiantao , with straight neck and a round sound - body played horizontally . in the preface to his verse
    东汉年(公元前25 - - 220年)学者刘熙在《释名》一书中写到: "枇杷,推手前曰枇,引手却曰杷,像其鼓时,因此为名" 。


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  10. 208 bc 什么意思


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